Course Outline


  • Jakarta EE vs Java EE
  • Overview of Jakarta EE features and architecture

Preparing the Development Environment

  • Installing Jakarta EE software and components
  • Setting up Jakarta EE projects and tooling
  • Understanding Jakarta EE containers, web services, and APIs

Modeling Data with Jakarta Persistence API (JPA)

  • Creating, managing, and querying entities
  • Creating a database schema
  • Running persistence examples
  • Implementing entity relationships

Using WebSockets with Jakarta Faces (JSF)

  • Creating WebSocket applications
  • Developing annotated endpoints and programmatic endpoints
  • Creating WebSocket URI templates
  • Using encoders and decoders

Developing RESTful Web Services with JAX-RS

  • Creating a RESTful root path
  • Accessing REST resources using the Jakarta REST Client API
  • Using Bean Validation to validate resource data
  • Integrating Jakarta REST with Jakarta Enterprise Beans and CDI
  • Running Enterprise Bean examples

Securing Jakarta EE applications

  • Understanding security features and mechanisms
  • Securing containers and application servers
  • Securing web applications and enterprise beans

Deploying Jakarta EE applications with Docker

  • Containerizing and converting applications to cloud-native
  • Deploying cloud-native applications to Kubernetes


Summary and Conclusion


  • Familiarity with Java EE platform
  • Java programming experience


  • Developers
 28 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant