Course Outline

Where the requirements come from?

  • Traditional Business Analysis
  • Use Cases, Scenarios and Tests
  • Non functional requirements
  • Performance
  • Conformance
  • UML in Business Analysis

Introduction to testing

  • Functional Tests
  • Regression Test
  • UAT Tests
  • Unit Tests
  • Usability Tests
  • Non Functional Tests
  • Performance test
  • Load test
  • Stress test
  • Soak test

Test or not to test

  • Who is making decisions about what to test?
  • The cost of testing irrelevant things
  • Calculating ROI (what if something fails analysis)
  • The role of Test Manager

The process of Testing

  • Testing is a process and a strategy
  • Identifying testing needs
  • Gathering requirements (use cases, user stories)
  • Scoping (choosing and prioritize scenarios)
  • Designing tests
  • Preparing data
  • Preparing environment
  • Creating or Recording tests
  • Perform the test
  • Analysis and reports
  • Conclusions and improvement
  • When to say "stop"

Product owner and Tests

  • The customer representative and test priority
  • Prioritizing tests
  • Writing effective stories for UAT
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Group exercise to produce customer requirements and write stories based on the requirements and create tests

The sprint

  • Sprint backlog and tests user stories
  • Group exercise to plan a sprint

Finishing a sprint

  • Scrum review meeting is a test

Is Agile and Scrum for you?

  • Review of the Scrum process
  • Comparison with other methodologies
  • Benefits of pair programming
  • Question and Answers Session



 14 Hours

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Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

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